Winter Driving Advice UK – Road Safety

Winter driving in the UK can be a challenge. Here’s our guide on staying safe behind the wheel during the chilly season.

Winter driving in the UK can be a challenge, and breaking down in your car at this time of the year is more common than you might think. Here’s our guide on staying safe behind the wheel during the chilly season.

Emergency Winter Kit

Your car might be loaded with the latest safety paraphernalia, but if an accident blocks the road ahead of you, you’ll be sitting pretty with everyone else. And, you’ll eventually start freezing your bits off when you kill your engine to save fuel and battery life. So, if you’re driving, store an emergency kit in your car. This should contain:

  1. A shovel.
  2. A sleeping bag or blanket.
  3. De-icer and ice-scraper.
  4. Torch with spare batteries.
  5. Cereal bars and chocolate.
  6. Spare screen-wash.


Antifreeze will only set you a back a few quid. But an ice-covered, broken engine will empty your wallet. You’ll require a 50/50 blend of water and antifreeze during the wintry weather. This shields your engine all the way to -34C. Most modern motors take long-life antifreeze. Ensure you use the correct kind by checking in your car’s service booklet. Some brands of antifreeze need replenishing after a couple of years.

Electrics and Batteries

Batteries in cars seldom last much beyond five years. There are additional strains on them in wintertime, due to the heating, wipers and lights being on more often. So, follow the tips below:



Winter Tyres

Ice and Snow

Take it slowly, because stopping in snow and ice can take up to ten times longer than normal. Calm driving behaviour is fundamental during snowy motoring. So, do the following:

Before You Set Off


Carsnip’s editorial chief, Tim Barnes-Clay, says:

None of our seasonal driving tips are complex – they’re all straightforward. But, to be honest, even I don’t always remember to do all we’ve advised. Personally, I’d like to stay alive to see 2018 in, so these tips have reminded me to sharpen up on my winter motoring. We think it won’t happen to us, but there is a real chance of getting caught out in bad weather one day. Let’s be frank; freezing your ass off is not the best way of seeing the New Year in. So, take our advice. Please.

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